In 2012 this notice appeared on the website.

Farewell, PSM3: Final issue on sale now
By Justin Towell December 12, 2012
But this is a personal tribute to a wonderful games magazine that is about to publish its final issue in the UK. That magazine is PSM3 and here its last ever cover, which goes on sale in the UK today, December 12, in retailers and on Apple's Newsstand.
The final issue of the magazine is packed with content, including the 25 greatest PlayStation games ever (as voted for by the PSM3 team), plus the 50 greatest PlayStation moments of all time. There will also be a ten-page celebratory retrospective, including the Top 5 PSM3 covers ever, Top 10 PSM3 features ever, Top 5 regulars, Worst 5 games ever and staff profiles. Where are all the old team now?
It's truly the end of an era as the last of Future's independent single-platform games magazines closes its doors. An era that had a profound effect on this writer.
The content below is from the site's 2006 archived pages.
We will miss you. And I can say that genuinely from the bottom of my heart. I love playing games on my PlayStation and this mag kept you up to date on all that was happening. Even now when I get home after a hectic day working with hassled customers who need help, I will often spend the evening engaged with Titanfall 2 or Uncharted 4, perhaps my favorite. I can't believe its been a decade since Nathan Drake’s introduction. The company I work for had me attend a briefing by legendary SEO Bob Sakayama who was teaching our team about negative seo and search scams. There's one scam he mentioned that I'm actually aware of - scam involves an email that appears to be an invoice to renew your domain name - be warned. Bob inspired me to get out of my rat race and start up a small consultancy where I work for myself. I love my work, but it can get stressful dealing with different personalities, time restraints, and then any glitches that might occur. So to come home to the rip-roaring Uncharted 4 and to get swept away in a tide of crowd-pleasing spectacle is a great change of pace. Uncharted 4’s swagger sure makes it easy to succumb to the ride, its craftmanship, sense of adventure. Now that PSM3 is no longer around, I go elsewhere to get the word on the newest Playstation releases.
Circa 2006
Tuesday August 22, 2006
The filth element
Howdy. Andy here. So what's going on in the PSM3 office today then?
Well, Nathan's sat in the corner playing FIFA 07, Milf's applying his artistic skills to a picture of a big blue car, Dave's playing Mercury Meltdown on our special PSP debug kit, I'm sat at my desk typing a blog entry and, er, everyone else is off.
Nathan playing FIFA 07. Could he BE any happier?!
So it's a bit quiet here. Or rather, it is now - it wasn't earlier, when all that could be heard from PSM3's corner of the office was men swearing at the top of their lungs and shooting each other in the knees.
But not in real life! Because that would be absurd. No, I've been playing Scarface and Reservoir Dogs. In fact, I just finished Reservoir Dogs. I'd tell you what I think, but you'll have to wait for next month's review.
What I can tell you though is that both games are very, very sweary. Scarface has an entire button reserved for foul-mouthed taunts and every second of play in Dogs is accompanied by someone calling someone else a "muddyfunksta" or a "coggsugga".
But it's brilliant. You get extra 'balls' for taunting someone as you shoot them to pieces in Scarface (yes, really) and with Reservoir Dogs being Tarantino-inspired, there just HAS to be creative, filthy jive-talk.
But we don't condone swearing for the sake of it. If you're going to swear, make sure you have a good reason - like if a seagull starts chewing at your bin bags at 5am, dragging their contents across your front steps, like what happened to me today. Bloody seagulls. I'll kill the muddy-funksters! Fuggin' priggs!, sorry. Been playing too many gangster games. I'm going for a lie down.
Monday August 21, 2006
So how were all your weekends, then?
Here on PSM3, work continues on the next issue. Or as best it can, with Dan D and Rich still on holiday and now with Dan G off sick after breaking his collarbone in a shock DIY-related mishap on Sunday. The lesson here is: always get a professional in to do your decorating. I'm sure he'd appreciate any get well soon comments, though.
Anyway, what's happening today? Well, first we had a team meeting to discuss a course of action following the loss of both our leader and his deputy for a week. The list of games for review this month was drawn up, the content of Extended Play figured out and it was decided who was doing what throughout the issue. Since then, Nathan's been doling out freelance work to our merry band of non-staff wordhawks, Andy's penning a review, Milf's designing stuff and I'm working on the Browser pages. It's all very exciting. Kind of.
So there'll just be the four of us in the office for most of this week. Which is a bind, but these things happen. Something to look forward to, though, for the legions of Milf-ites out there: Milf himself will be writing a blog entry later this week. Oh, yes. Steady at the back, now, no fainting.
And now, back to work.
Friday August 18, 2006
Your questions answered, Davey C's new hair-do and Nathan's (blatant self) promotion
Hello there. It's Friday and it's Nathan here, debuting on the PSM3 blog. It's almost exciting as Dave's brand-new haircut, which he insists looks totally different than before. We're not so sure. What do you reckon?
So what's been happening? Well as you can tell from the snapshot above Team PSM3 (minus the holidaying Rich, Dan D AND Andy) enjoyed a well deserved post-deadline pint followed by a curry bought for us by the good folk at Sega. Sadly, the combination of booze and spicy food has created several noxious clouds lingering over our desks. Grim. On a less gassier note we've already started piecing together the games we want to review for PSM3 issue #80 (out 28th September) and we're sure you'll be pleased. We always want to give you the best game reviews - as well as a packed mag full of exciting news and previews - and it's my job to secure these titles at the beginning of each issue. And here's that bit of 'blatant self-promotion' as promised, I've just promoted to Reviews Editor! So if our review's section is stinking worse than our curried stomachs then you know who to blame.
But enough about me. As I type Milf is busy flicking through a copy of Ngamer, Dan G is laying the foundations of what gaming goodness will be going into issue #80 (remember it's out 28th September) and Dave is furiously fiddling with his new 'do' in between cracking his knuckles at a horrific volume. I'm turning up the Go! Team to drown out the sound.
In a fitting end to this busy week we're going to answer the questions and queries that you've been posting here. Starting work on a new mag finally gives us the time to answer questions, mail stuff out and generally fill our heads with fun, ready for the next issue). And also just to prove we read everything you write here and on the PSM3 MySpace.
Here we go for the questions. Any more, or any we've missed just tag them on the end of this blog.
PSM3: We wanted to convey the fact the PSM3 is a continuation of PSM2 rather than a completely new launch. We're proud of what we achieved with PSM2 so we wanted it to evolve with the same team bringing you the same important Playstation information. And besides, the likes of Tescos and WH Smiths would've been confused with a new numbering system and stuck us behind the Dandy or up with the pornos.
PSM3: We presume you're referring to the times when it feels impossible to win a match no matter what? Too be honest we barely realise it's there and when it does occassionally happen we put it down to the fact it's a game. That's right a computer game that has to sometimes over-compensate for your skills by throwing a spanner in the works. It's annoying but we'd prefer it to remain if it means we don't win every single game. It'd just get boring.
PSM3: Thanks for asking so nicely but... no you can't. We've got all the players we need on PSM3, but if you are serious about being a game's writer then you should send us a couple of reviews (any games) and mail them in to We'll (Read: Dave) check every single one and if your stuff is good enough then we might have some work for you. We can't promise anything, mind.
PSM3: Everyone starts at 9.30am except Milf who slinks into the office at 9.45. Every. Single. Day. We're supposed to finish at 5.30pm but when deadlines demand it, we stay until midnight sometimes. One time Dan D, Andy, Dave and Nathan stayed until 2am (they started at 9am) just to report on the live feed coming from Sony's PS3 reveal at E3. That's 17 fully-committed sleepy-faced hours. It's one of the perils of being a journalist - somebody has to keep an eye on Justin Timberlake 24 hours a day just in case he cops off with a goat.
PSM3: Yes. He was the only Scottish actor we could think of. Apart from Ewan McGregor, but he's cool and handsome and therefore totally unsuitable to play Andy.
Amazingly it's the proof-reading, changing, adjusting and sending the pages to the printer that takes the longest. We can rattle off ten pages after seeing or playing a game in about an afternoon, and Milf can take a day to turn it into ten pages of magazine. However, captioning, subbing, final checking and sending can take just as long. And - because we want the latest news and games in there - a lot of work is done in the week before deadline (hence the late nights). Other mega time-consumers - don't get Milf started on 'cutting out'. This laborious Photoshop process is what we have to do every time we have a nice game character or photo in the mag. Milf has to trace the outline of the bloke/monster/joypad/whatever and delete the background to give us our unique look. (The new mag is riddled with cutouts and they all take upwards of quarter of an hour each to look that good.)
Brian Dooley: MGS THEORY 1 - You guys keep saying that Snake's aging is due to FOXDie.i think that this is wrong.i believe ,ever since MGS, that Snake was never injected with FOXDie as Liquid died apparently from it.even if Naomi gave Snake an altered version ,Solidus would have died from it to as their all "Les Enfants terrible".no instead i believe that his aging is due to
1:Big Boss' age when cloned (Liquid said that Big Boss was in his 50's)
2:Big Boss could of had decayed genes (was irradiated in snake eater by Davy Crokett)
i think cancer or fast gene decay are likly explinations to Snakes age.
PSM3: We think that Snake WAS injected with Foxdie. That's why everyone who he met - i.e. all the people he was supposed to rescue - died in MGS1. Why he hasn't died yet remains a mystery that should be revealed in MGS4.
Aging due to his age when cloned? Great idea - we like it. Similarly Big Boss being messed up by Davy Crockett. Maybe a combination of the two - either way Big Boss wasn't the sort of guy they should have been cloning… but they did.
Brian Dooley: Theory 2: This one is just pure speculation ,but the pic you show of the characters on p10 of psm3,notice anything in common with 3 of them . . . .they have raised arms.Ocelot definate bad guy ,Naomi fugitive and dark horse Otacon ,while the more likly good guys ,Snake Raiden etc., have lowered arms.the poses resemble original sketches in issue64 of ,proberly caus thats what co-incidences are.
PSM3: Raised arm bad guy theories? Basic body language says that if you're being confrontational you fold your arms when speaking to someone. So, you could be right there.
Brian Dooley: GTA4 theory - Well I think that James Worrall's ,writer of all the GTAs', connection with Manhunt ,he also wrote that, is the backdrop for GTA4.set in Carcer City or a state containing Carcer City, Liberty City ,Gta3 refers to Carcer as "nearby Carcer City", and 'Upstate' or Upstate could refer to Carcer. It could be set between Gta3, in 2001, and Manhunt, in 2003,
what do you think? You could play as Cash a see how he got death row or something.
PSM3: We'd love to see Cash in GTA. However, the most you can hope for is him being mentioned in a bit of dialogue, or perhaps a poster or newspaper referencing The Director. Playable Cash? Nah…
AAAAND that's about it. Have a great weekend. For the record PSM3 officially backs Pete to win Big Brother and if you see Grace *buy her a drink from us* [last sentence modified for legal reasons].
Nate out.
Desky Business
Posted by Daniel Griffiths
Friday August 18, 2006 |
Don't push us. We're close to (the) Edge.
Posted by Daniel Griffiths
Wednesday August 16, 2006 |
Voices in your head
Posted by David Cook
Tuesday August 15, 2006 |
Late into the night...
Posted by David Cook
Monday August 14, 2006 |
The making of... The PSM3 DVD
Posted by The PSM3 team
Friday August 11, 2006 |
Not that there's anything wrong with living in Newcastle
Posted by The PSM3 team
Thursday August 10, 2006 |
"It went through his hands..."
Posted by The PSM3 team
Wednesday August 09, 2006 |
The next day...
Posted by The PSM3 team
Wednesday August 09, 2006 |
The first proper post ever
Posted by The PSM3 team
Monday August 07, 200
PSM3, the next-generation games magazine…